Capital of egypt from 332 B.C till 642 A .D , so 984 years this city was the capital of egypt and the place of the king and the government , and now is the second biggest city in egypt with around 8 million population , the largest city in whole mediterian sea and the biggest port on the mediterinean sea , and one the most beautiful cities in lower egypt , which was so long time a cosmopolitan city , occurred in it a lot of very important events , in this city in year 1956 president nasser announced nationalization of suez canal , very close to this city was a very hostile battles of second world war , battles between french navy and british were in this city in abukir , the french expedition landed in egypt in alexandria and it was the start point in egypt , cross campaign invaded middle- east and egypt through alexandria , and always was a great place for handle between asia and europe before digging suez canal , and even on the start of islam the arabs wanted to rule egypt from alexderia because of ite readinesse to play this role , but becuase of come political and strategical arguments they changed their plan , and built anthor city on the eastern side of the nile was called later cairo , and before that greco romans , and ptolamic family ruled egypt from alexander after was contructed by alexander the great , this intellictual fighter and knight who fighted with his bolded enimies persian , by using alexandria as a shield defending the strategic borders of macedonia , and because of its highly important geopolitacal location which was noticed by him he constructed new city in egypt which now have avery big history in politics , economic , and society .
Names of Alexandria
Some of tourists say it just alex , egyptians say it esskinderia or elalskandria , but originally before alexander the great this city was just a very small and modest village for fishers , it was named rakotis , but by selecting it location for construction new city , rather new capital the name was changed to alexandria or alex , and till now the city has is is same name
Geography of Alexandria
Alexandria lies directly on the shore of meditternian sea , longshore around 30 long from abu kir till agami , the city is like chess board , most of streets in this city is vertical or horizontal connecting each together in a great harmony not only nowadays , but also also in ancient time indeed
History of Alexandria
In ancient egypt , there not much documents related to alexandria , it was just small village for fishers , but the strategic importance of this city appeared by alexander the great , who was fighting with the persians , and he had invade egypt and get it under his control before persian to secure his position in macedonia , and this strategic direction was ensured after his stay in egypt by constructing new city with will be capital of this country under his name to rule his imperium , but his fate didn’t permit him to continue his plans because of his sudden mystery death .
After the death of Alexander the Great ,Egypt went to Ptolemy the first “soter” , who ruled Egypt with his family around 250 years , till Romans came to Egypt and began new era named greco roman , and then byzantine era , islam , with big ignorance to alexandria , just buidlign fortess of quitbay in 16 century , but not long time after buidling this fortess some one again revealed the importance of this city , he was napoleon bonaparte , after him ruled egyp new king – the founder of modern egyp- Mohamed Ali .
The new leader was very witty and has a kind of intelligence did not exist in those who ruled egypt before him , he understood egypt very well strategically , and felt the danger and the weak point of alexandria , so he decided make a big society there and regain its commercial , economical and political role , so he started his plan by first digging new canal from river nile to provide this city with water , which will be the source of life to plant fields and get basic reasons to stability their , and then renewed the fortress there , and finally decided to construct new palace for him alexandria named “ ras eltin “ .
Flourish of handle in alexandria was more and more flourished , because of industry revolution in europe and the heightening the process of import and export from and to europe , constructing the first railway station in egypt between cairo and alexandria in 1852 , and in year 1895 was the second cinema show in alexandria , during first and second world war , alexandria was close to the events and results of both wars , and lots from alexandria had a very had influence of this war , even in these times alexandria was a cosmopolitan city lots of italians ,greeks , armenians , cyper , jues , syrians , lebanons migrated to egypt and settled in alexandria .
The fate of family of king mohamed ali was also bind in a very different way with this city , however they were the first rulers since more than 1400 years , who paid a lot of intention to this city , and developed this city highly , this city witnessed the end of this family through there last practically king “ king farouk “ after his sail from alexandria to italy , leaving his throne and traveling to egypt because the inputs in global politics and strategic .
Under arab republic of egypt , the first 3 presidents continued the same path , spending much time in summer time in alexandria , caring about their infrastructure , presidential palaces and villas , but the peak of this care , was rebirth the great bibliotheque of alexandria , which was open in year 20002 .
Now Alexandria is the second biggest agglomeration in Egypt with around 8 million people , and still a very important destination for egyptian to spend their summer vacation even for one day or weekend .
Palaces in Alexandria
- montaza palace .
- ras el tin .
Sightseeing in alexandria
- montazah palace.
- catacomb .
- bibliotheque of alexandria .
- citadel of qaitbay .
- amphitheatre.
- national museum.
- greco roman museum.
- pompey s pillar .