Egypt had already been a generous host for many prophets such as Abraham, Isaac, Jakob, Moses, and Jeremiah. The greatest blessing that Egypt received when Jesus Christ came to Egypt with his mother, the holy virgin mary, and stayed there.
The holy family crossed the desert from Sinai to Egypt, probably going from Bethlehem to Gaza, and from Gaza to Rafah, then to el Arish until they built al-farma. They moved to tel bastah near the town of zagazig.
The holy family entered the city of Bubastis; they left that city and headed south until they reached the town of musturud.
It is where the church of St Maria in Musturad was built. The date of its consecration goes back to the twelfth century AD.
The holy family traveled from musturud to Bilbao city, an area of el sharqiyah governorate. There is a church of St George in bilbias. The family went on after menjet sammanud and sammanud.
She crossed the Nile to the western delta and was received pleasantly by his people.
From the city of sammanud, the holy family went north to the el burullus area until they reached the town of Sakha. An old church named after the virgin mary was built near Sakha.
From Sakha, the holy family crossed the western route of the rosetta river and then moved south to wadi el natrun. According to tradition, the Virgin Mary and her son hid the child Jesus Christ in that valley during their curse into Egypt.
Wadi el-Natrun is considered one of the most famous valleys in Egypt; it is regarded as the home of askese and worship.
Nowadays, four monasteries are teeming with monks near wadi El-Natrun. on the north side; there is the monastery of El Baramous.
One of his monks was the later Pope Kyrillos. Southwest of wadi Al-Natron, there is the monastery of St Macarius. It is surrounded by an icy wall, with a large farm attached to it.
Halfway from the desert road from Cairo-Alexandria, there is the rest house. Next to it, the monastery of Anba bishoy and holy monastery are close to each other, and a large farm surrounds each. Pope Shenouda Third reclaimed them.
From wadi-Al Natrun, the holy family traveled south-warts and crossed the Nile until they reached Al Matariya.
The holy family stayed in al Matariya for a while, about 10 kilometers northeast of Cairo.
At Al-Matariya, the holy family was protected under a tree that is now called the Mariam tree.
A church at Al-Matariya was consecrated in the name of the Virgin Mary. It is an old church and has been renovated, and it has great fame.
The holy family stayed for a while in the Al-zaytun area. Here a church of the virgin mary was built on Tomanbay street, where the holy family was probably based.
From the areas of Al-Matariya and Al Zaytun, the holy family moved to old Cairo. They passed by old middle Cairo to Haret zuweila, which is near El Ataba Square in Cairo. a Maria church was built here on the site.
The holy family moved from the heart area to the old Cairo area, which is considered crucial.
Several churches and convents have been built here. The holy family blessed the site, and they stayed there for a while.