Always in each country religion still till now one of the main factor in formulating the image of this country in eyes of its citizens or eyes of other countries .
Every country in the whole world has its religion or cult , but always this religion differs in its features according to mythology , traditions , history and other elements design the image of religious feature in each country even if its common in other countries in same continent , for example christianty in germany not the same like france and spain , islam in saudi arabia not like in egypt not like in syria , in other words , however it same core and sam religons in its pillars , differantiate in its religios features .
According to religion in Egypt it’s a very special unique case , since religion in Egypt appeared without messengers , prophets ,inspiration or even holy books , like torah , bible or quran .
With kind of mystery , till now we don’t exactly the founder of ancient egyptian religion , or who created this religion , or even exact book about this ancient egyptian religion , just we can note clearly the role of religion in ancient time , because nearly 100 % of antiquities in egypt are religious , just temples and tombs nothing more .
According to the newest and most accurate studies about ancient egyptian civilization , ancient egyptian built their houses and palaces from mud brick and wood , but there templs , pyramids and tombs were by hard stones like : sandstone , limestone , granite , bazalt etc …..
Because of this tradition in ancient Egypt , they revealed to us in an indirect way the importance of their cult in ancient Egypt .
But the story till now hasn’t been finished , because after vanishing this cult in egypt appeared new cults in egypt , meanwhile in its birth , for example prophet moses spent his life in egypt to announce for his message from god , till his exodus from egypt , and later traveled to egypt holy family when jesus christ was enfant seeking peace and stability , escaping from persecution in jerusalem , and stilled in egypt according to newest studies 3 years and 7 months .
And later in year 33 holy marek and christianity spreaded in egypt , highly important also to mention in the path , that egyptian reacted with this new cult and innovated something new in the fourth century which was “monasticism “ .
The first monk in the whole world was egyptian , and the first and the oldest closter in the whole world appeared in Egypt .
Later on after death of prophet mohammed , his followers wanted to spread their domain and announcing and spreading his message to new lands from saudi arabia , so they directed to egypt , geographically egypt is their key to africa and then to europe , and also because of its river nile so rich country , they could supply their needs of food and needs to continue their roap map radically and spread the new religion .
Around 200 years later was erected in cairo “ al azhar “ which is now not just mosque to pray to god , but also organization and university , like vatican in rome , serving the whole islamic world
And now there is in egyptian population 3 religious sects , jues , christian and muslims .
The vast majority of egyptian people in egypt are muslims with percentrage 85% , christian 15 % , and just around 20 people .