Name of abu simbel
There is a lot people proving theory says that , in 1816 there was a traveller from switzerland called luise bruchadet , was traveling around egypt to paint building which he see on his way , and to document his journey in egypt and other countries , and on his way to sudan , he settled in this place which is now abu simbel , meeted with a young boy who showed this european traveler that in this place under the sand there is a massive temple – buried in sand partially – so he painted the temple and showed the painting of this temple to archeologists in cairo in these times , was italian archeologist belzoni , and they went back to abu simbel in 1819 , announcing discovery of this temmple naming it abu simbel which was the name of this young boy !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Around 280 km south from aswan and 1180 from cairo , lies a very special city in lower egypt , according to population , and space it is less than criteria that qualifies this place to city , it is rather a village than city .
However this place has a very long history existed even in predynastic period , and there were a lot of items discovered in this place are too old and antique , for example the oldest urn of mudbrick in egyptian museum was discovered in this city , and the oldest stella has ancient egyptian signs from ancient egyptian language was discovered in this place indeed . which was written 3500 b.c
This city according to some modern studies was the core of ancient egyptian civilization and most probably the ancient egyptian settled in nile valley for the first time in abu simbel because it was the first proper and save to seattle , since the nature of nile valley differs than nowadays , river nile was 7 times bigger than nowadays , and it was not easy to seattle on nile valley because of wild animals inside the nile and around it , just because of stone land in abu simbel allowed people to have easy option to seattle , and later step by step , the ancient egyptian get control over lower and upper egypt .
Till the eleventh century , ramses the second regained and revealed the glory of this place which was the core of whole egypt , by building his great temple in abu simbel , which is now one of the most important monumental places in egypt , even some archeologists consider this temple more important that pyramids itself .
Today daily this city receives thousands of tourists who travel early morning or afternoon to visit the temple in this city by bus or by plane , because there’s a national airport there .
The main sightseeing in abu simbel
- abu simbel
- show and light in abu simbel