In summertime from 15 of June till 15 of September visits siwa more than 7000 tourists, local and from various destinations of the world, seeking one thing! Hot sand and medical tourism, a particular type with lots of minerals, are very useful for the body.
One of the most valuable travels in my life is my last holiday in Siwa for recreation in a sandbath.
However, the massive distance between Hurghada and Siwa, the high temperature, humidity, since its 13 meters under sea level, lousy condition of transfer, lots of reviews and posts about this recreation trip provoked me to take the step to Siwa as soon as it was possible.
On Thursday, after taking the second vaccine of Astra zanike, it was a little bit of time to prepare my tiny bag to prepare all my needs in the next three days in Siwa, and arrival at the bus station at the last minute to catch the bus.
The bus was a very comfortable but too long way. I decided to take a bus from Hurghada to Alex and from Alex to Siwa, and I planned to read a book on the way from Hurghada to Alex and break in Alex for coffee waiting, booking a ticket to Siwa. Still, it was not wholly achieved, since the bus arrived in Alex just at 9:40 pm !!! Just 20 minutes before the bus of Siwa, so very quickly I ran to book a ticket for the next bus, but in the unfeatured face, the employee said the bus is complete !!!!!!
What bad luck ?!
After 5 minutes of thinking, I decided that the best solution for this problem is to book a ticket on Marsa matrouh’s bus at 10.15 and there will be easy to find any transfer taxi to Siwa. I returned to the employee asking for a ticket to Marsa Matruh, so he asked me to return his window for a while, and just at 9:58, he told me there is just one ticket still for sale on this bus 49 ” last seat” in the bus !!!
It is unfortunate to be in a bus full of passengers sitting on the last seat.
Just at 10:45, the bus moved from Alexandria bus station, since a technical problem!
Asking the passenger seated next to me about the arrival time and how many stops we will have on our way to Siwa, etc.
I did all my best to sleep on my way to Siwa and two checkpoints and two stops for rest. I slept nearly 4 hours, and the bus arrived in Siwa just at 8:00.
On the way to this oasis, the first thing you can see is the mountain of the dead and the mountain of shali plus an unlimited number of palms, which make a very comfortable impression.

In the bus station, the mission is to find the van of the sand bath center, it was easy to find but a little bit of time to find the other clients for the same center.
On the way, during a talk with other clients, one family told us that they are for the second time here in Siwa with the same center because of problems in backbone and it was cured nicely in Siwa with the same people, that is why they repeat the trip.
The way from the bus station to the center, which lies on the top of the oasis in the el-dakroury mountain, is a tiny asphalt road through farms of palms makes an indescribable feeling of joy.
By the arrival at the center of the sand bath, just a few steps in place of burying, an effortless place with modest conditions, they asked us to leave luggage in our chambers and meet again to have breakfast.
After breakfast, they informed us that our sand bath would be at 13 o’clock; bring your clothes, towel and pick a blanket.
It is scorching sand, and the holes are in front of us open waiting for us, in the form of a coffin, and next to these holes are close tents to bring as much temperature as possible.
So after their sign of readiness, each of us had to be in his place to uncover his body except his sexual organ lying inside this hole, waiting for them to cover the whole body with hot sand except feet.
After 15 minutes, the body is wet because of hot sand, and the body starts to lose unneeded water.
After that: sauna, which means the hot tent; inside the tent, you feel totally in a sauna, boiling, and you should be covered with a blanket.
The time inside the tent is a dedication to relaxation and drinking “yellow tea.”
And then preparing clothes and blanket to cover the body in the center’s room; there each one should relax 2 hours on the bed without any ventilation; air-condition or even fan, serving at this time direct after sandbath; soup and lemon juice. Not permitted to drink water for one hour after the sandbath, around 4:00 pm for lunch and relaxation.
This action of treatment is repeated for a minimum of three days or a maximum of five days.
and it is very healthy for the following :
- stimulate blood circulation.
- Treatment of rheumatism and rheumatism.
- Pains of backbone and shoulders.
- Problems of the prostate.
- Improve the fertility of both women &men.
- Get rid of fat on the liver.
- Eliminate stress and anxiety.

tips for this trip
- bring two towels and long clothes to cover the whole body and head.
- Adapt to the hot weather and resistance to spending as much time as possible in sand and tent.
- It is vital to have a massage with olive oil after finishing the course of treatment.
- It is also essential to mention that; it is not allowed to shower three days after the sandbath.